If your partner has opened 1¨ (less common than 1§), you know much more about his/her distribution than if the opening had been 1§. Finding a major fit is still important, but it is  more likely that your partner has a long diamond suit.

The first requirement for a response is to have 6 DP or more for a response at the 1 level, and 10+ DP for a minimum response at the 2 level. Minimum point requirements are even higher for bidding after an interfering bid.

Responses are classified as responses to with no interference and with interference.

Your bid Requirements Comments
1©/1ª This is a forcing bid showing a 4+ card major suit. You may also have 4 cards in the other major. With 4-4 in the majors, bid 1© first. With 5-5 or 6-6 in the majors, bid 1ª with 6-9 DP, and 1© with 10+ DP. With two unequal majors (5-4, 6-4, 6-5, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 etc.) bid the longer suit first.
1NT Denies a 4-card major suit or longer (4+), and promises 5-9 HCP. Should have a balanced or semi-balanced distribution.  
2§ Forcing bid, showing 10+ HCP and at least a 4-card (but normally 5+) suit.  
2©/2ª/3§ These are  forcing bids (essentially to game). They promise nice 5+ card suits. Minimum points: 16 HCP.  
2¨ This is a forcing bid showing at least 5 diamonds, and no 4+ card major. Promises 9+ HCP. Called an "inverted minor" single raise. An excellent way to decide between NT and minor-suit contracts.
2NT Denies a 4-card major suit or longer (4+), and promises 10-11 HCP. Should have a balanced or semi-balanced distribution.  
3¨ This is a pre-emptive bid, showing 5-card support for diamonds and no more than 8 HCP. Lower point limit is determined by vulnerability. No 4+ card major suit. A complementary bid to the 2¨ "inverted minor" raise.
3©/3ª/4§ This is a splinter bid, forcing to game in 5¨ normally. The suit bid shows a singleton or void, there should be nice 5-card support for diamonds and 13+ HCP. No 4+ card major.  
3NT The usual bid with 12+ HCP, no 4+ card major and well-distributed points.  
4¨ Forcing to 5¨ at least. Good 5+ card diamond support, no 4+ card major, 16+ SP and at least 3 MCCs. A strong slam try.
4©/4ª These are essentially pre-emptive bids with a 7+ card suit and 10+ HCP. With any perceived chance of 3NT (rather than 5©, 5ª or slam), other bids should be made.
4NT Blackwood. Very strong try for 6¨ or 6NT. All you care about is how many Aces opener has.
5¨ You have the long suit and the points to play a game contract, but no more than 2 MCC.  


RHO action Your bid Requirements Comments
Double Pass Generally with 0-7 DP. See below.
Redouble This enables you to ask for 4-card majors. Should have one or two 4-card majors, and 8+ DP.
1©/1ª 8+ DP and a 5+ card suit. Forcing. You may lie a bit with a nice suit, and bid it with 5-6 DP.
All other bids Same as above, but should have 8+ DP. You may lie a bit with a nice 5-card suit, and bid it with 5-6 DP.
1©/1ª Pass Generally with 0-7 DP.
Double This is the "negative double", asking for a 4-card major. Should have 4 cards in the unbid major, and 8+ DP. If RHO bids 1ª, a double can even mean 5 hearts and 8-9 HCP (as you should not go to the 2 level with <10 points). Forcing.
1NT/2NT/3NT 8-9/10-11/12+ HCP but with some control of opponent's suit. No 4 cards in the unbid major.
Cue-bid (i.e. 2© over 1©) Shows a very strong hand (13+ SP) with 5+ diamond support and good control of opponent's suit. Forcing.
Most other bids (but what do 4 and 5 in the opponent's suit mean?) Same as above, but should have 8+ DP.
1NT Pass Generally with 0-9 DP.
Double Asks for a 4-card major. Should have one or two 4-card majors, and 10+ DP.
2NT/3NT 10-11/12+ HCP. No 4-card major. You are a brave player!
2§/2©/2ª 5-card suit with 10+ DP
3§/3©/3ª 5-card suit with 16+ HCP Now, let me see. Your partner has 13 HCP, you 16+ and so does the RHO. Someone is lying!
All other bids Same as above
Other interference bids Pass If you are not strong enough to bid something or double.
Double (a) At the 2-level this is a negative double, asking for an unbid 4-card major. Should have one or two unbid 4-card major(s), and 10+ DP.

(b) At the 3-level or above, it should normally be for penalties.

Diamond support Bid your strength if you can, otherwise pass or double. You should have 5+ diamonds and 10-12 SP for 3¨, 13-14 for 4¨ and 15+ for 5¨.
Cue-bid (i.e. 1¨  1©  2©) Shows a very strong hand (13+ SP at the 3-level, 15+ SP at the 4-level) with 5+ diamond support and good control of opponent's suit. Forcing.
New suit at minimum level 5-card suit and enough strength to bid at the level required. Unless already at game, forcing.
New suit with jump shift 5-card suit and wishing to show extra strength. Unless already at game, forcing.
NT bids Enough strength to bid at the level required. Opponent's suit is controlled.