a b c d e f g h i j-k l m n o p q r s t u v-w x-y-z
This dictionary is a simple list of equivalences of Tundrian and English words, phrases and expressions.
Each entry consists of a Tundrian word, phrase or expression with its English equivalent. There are six columns in the dictionary:
- Tundrian entry
- Numerical index
- Part of speech
- Declensional / Conjugational irregularities
- English equivalent
- Explanation
Where a Tundrian entry has several English equivalents, it is not repeated for the 2nd, 3rd etc. repetition. Where the Tundrian entry is the same, but the part of speech changes from transitive to intransitive verb, the part of speech is specified.
In the Tundrian column, compound words and phrases are indented under the main entry they are included under.
Only two kinds of grammatical information are provided for Tundrian words and expressions:
- for nouns, gender and number (the latter for intrinsically plural nouns) are indicated: f - feminine, m - masculine, m/f - may be of either gender, pl - plural
- for adjectives, the feminine singular is shown (usually as -a) where it is different from the masculine singular
Abbreviations for part of speech are:
a. | adjective |
adv. | adverb |
conj. | conjunction |
def.art. | definite article |
dem.a. | demonstrative adjective |
indef.art. | indefinite article |
indef.pn. | indefinite pronoun |
int. | interjection |
interr. | interrogative |
n. | noun |
nat.a. | national adjective |
nat.n. | national noun |
nat.n/a | national noun and adjective |
neg.pn. | negative pronoun |
num.card. | cardinal number |
num.coll. | collective numeral |
num.fract. | fractional numeral |
num.ord. | ordinal numeral |
num.temp. | temporal numeral |
pers.pn. | personal pronoun |
phr. | phrase |
poss. | possessive adjective and pronoun |
poss.a. | possessive adjective |
poss.pn. | possessive pronoun |
pp. | past participle |
pr.n. | proper noun |
prep. | preposition |
rel.pn. | relative pronoun |
v.i. | intransitive verb |
v.tr. | transitive verb |
The numerical index differentiates between homographs that either (a) are different parts of speech, or (b) have a significantly different meaning.
The information under irregularities provides sufficient information for the prediction of all forms of the noun, adjective or verb in question. For nouns, irregular nominative plurals are the ones generally given, the accusative plural is shown only when it is not clear from the other forms. For adjectives, the abbreviation invar. is given if the adjective does not vary with gender. If an irregular plural is shown, it is generally speaking the masculine nominative plural.
For verbs, the 1st person singular of the inducative present is the one most commonly given if in any way irregular. Other froms are shown when necessary to indicate irregularities not predictable from the infinitive or the 1st person singular of the indicative present.
The English entry provides grammatical information (e.g.: pl - plural, n. - noun etc.) if it is needed for disambiguation.
Copyright Gabor Sandi 1998-2024
Disclaimer: Everything on this site was written and/or prepared at the author's discretion. The author has tried to be accurate where facts are presented, but this does not mean that these facts are necessarily accurate. People needing more reliable information should refer to appropriate sources presented, on the Internet or elsewhere, by authoritative professional or academic bodies.
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