The table below will supply the cardinal (one, two ...) and ordinal (first, second ...) numbers.

0 zero -
1 un, una primêr, -a; priym, -a
2 dous secûnd, -a
3 treis tertz, -a
4 quatro quart, -a
5 cinq quint, -a
6 sêix sext, -a  ['sɛʃt, -a]
7 seut séutim, -a
8 oito ôitav, -a
9 nôu (bef. vowels: nov) nóvim, -a
10 dzeç décim, -a
11 ûnci ûnceim, -a
12 douci douceim, -a
13 treici treiceim, -a
14 quattorci quattorceim, -a
15 quinci quinceim, -a
16 seici seiceim, -a
17 dzêcisseut dzêcisséutim, -a
18 dzêçoito dzêçôitav, -a
19 dzêcinôu (bef. vowels: dzêcinov) dzêcinóvim, -a
20 vinti vinteim, -a
21 vinti-un, -a vinti-únim, -a
22 vinti-dous vinti-secûnd, -a
23 vinti-treis vinti-tertz, -a
30 trinta trinteim, -a
31 trinta-un, -a trinta-únim, -a
32 trinta-dous trinta-secûnd, -a
40 quaranta quaranteim, -a
41 quaranta-un, -a quaranta-únim, -a
42 quaranta-dous quaranta-secûnd, -a
50 cinquanta cinquanteim, -a
60 sêixanta sêixanteim, -a
70 seutanta seutanteim, -a
80 ôitanta ôitanteim, -a
90 novanta novanteim, -a
100 cent centeim, -a
101 cent-ê-un, -a cent-ê-únim, -a
102 cent-ê-dous cent-ê-secûnd, -a
110 cent-dzeç cent-décim, -a
200 doucenti doucenteim, -a
201 doucenti-un, -a doucenti-únim, -a
210 doucenti-dzeç doucenti-décim, -a
300 treis-centi treis-centeim, -a
400 quatro-centi quatro-centeim, -a
500 cinq-centi cinq-centeim, -a
600 sêix-centi sêix-centeim, -a
700 seut-centi seut-centeim, -a
800 oito-centi oito-centeim, -a
900 nôu-centi nôu-centeim, -a
1000 mil milleim, -a
1001 mil-ê-un, -a mil-ê-únim, -a
1002 mil-ê-dous mil-ê-secûnd, -a
1010 mil dzeç mil décim, -a
1100 mil cent mil centeim, -a
1984 mil nôu-centi ôitanta-quatro mil nôu-centi ôitanta-quart, -a
2000 dous-mil dous-milleim, -a
3000 treis-mil treis-milleim, -a
10,000 dzeç-mil dzeç-milleim, -a
100,000 cent-mil cent-milleim, -a
1,000,000 milhoun milhoneim, -a
1,000,000,000 bilhoun bilhoneim, -a
1,000,000,000,000 trilhoun trilhoneim, -a

For 'first' the normal term is primêr. In many idiomatic expressions and phrases priym is used, however. Examples: Mîa primêra escola yera en lâ campanha (My first school was in the countryside). BUT: El priym ministro sûmiyse lâ sûa demixoun al Rey (The Prime [i.e. First] Minister submitted his resignation to the King).


A list of the most common nouns indicating collective numerals:

couple (of) coupla (f)
pair (of) par (m)
about three tertzaina (f)
about four quartaina (f)
about five quintaina (f)
about six sextaina (f) [sɛʃ'taĭna]
about seven seutaina (f)
about eight ôitaina (f)
about nine novaina (f)
about ten dêcaina (f)
dozen, about 12 doceina (f)
about 15 quinceina (f)
about 20 vinteina (f)
about 30 trinteina (f)
about 100 centaina (f)


The numerator is denoted by the cardinal, and the denominator by the ordinal, e.g.:

dous tertz, -a (two thirds), oito quinceim, -a (eight fifteenth).

Exception: 'half' is expressed by the adjective medz, -aun medz (one half), dous ê medz (two and a half). But in compounds, secûnd is used, e.g.: dous ê treis trinta-secûnd (two and three thirty-secondth).


double dûplo, -a; dzul, -a
triple triplo, -a
quadruple quadrûplo, -a
fivefold quintûplo, -a
sixfold sextûplo, -a [sɛʃ'tuplu]
sevenfold septûplo, -a
eightfold octûplo, -a
ninefold nonûplo, -a
tenfold dêcûplo, -a
hundredfold centûplo, -a

For 'double', the usual form is dûplo. But in many colloquial expressions, the non-learned form dzul is used, e.g.: dzula visioun (double vision), jocar dzul (to play doubles).


The following expressions indicate how time of the day is shown in Tundrian:

What time is it? Qué houra és?
It is one o'clock. És la una (houra).
It is three o'clock (a.m.). Son le treis (houre).
It is three o'clock (p.m.). AS ABOVE, or: Son le quinci (houre).
It is half past four. Son le quatro ê medza.
It is quarter past four. Son le quatro ê (una) quarta.
It is quarter to four. Son le quatro min (una) quarta.
Ten minutes past five. Cinq houre dzeç (minuti).
Ten minutes to five. Cinq houre min dzeç (minuts).
It is noon. És la medzi.
It is midnight. És la medzanoit.
At eight o'clock in the evening. A las oito (houras) de lâ seira.
At exactly six o'clock. A las sêix (houras) pûntas.
At about (towards) two o'clock. A circa de las dous / Vêrs las dous.

Copyright Gabor Sandi 1998-2025

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