Canadian flag

My name / Mon nom: Gábor Sándi

Hungarian flag

Nevem: Sándi Gábor

Canadian flag

I was born in 1950, in Budapest, Hungary.

Je suis né en 1950, à Budapest, Hongrie.

Hungarian flag

Születtem Budapesten 1950-ben.

Canadian flag

Since 1974, I have been a Canadian citizen.

Je suis citoyen canadien depuis 1974.

Hungarian flag

1974 óta kanadai állampolgár vagyok.

Canadian flag

Since my retirement in 2011, I have been living in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

A partir de ma retraite en 2011, j'habite à Vancouver, Colombie britannique, Canada.

Hungarian flag

2011 óta, amikor nyúgdíjba mentem, a kanadai Vancouverben lakom.

Canadian flag

I spent much of my working life employed by the International Labour Organization, mostly in Geneva, Switzerland.

Pour une grande partie de ma vie professionnelle, je travaillais pour l'Organisation internationale du Travail, pour la plupart à Genève, Suisse.

Hungarian flag

Munkaéletem tekintélyes részét a genfi Nemzetközi Munkaügyi Szervezetnél töltöttem.

Copyright Gabor Sandi 1998-2024

Disclaimer: Everything on this site was written and/or prepared at the author's discretion. The author has tried to be accurate where facts are presented, but this does not mean that these facts are necessarily accurate. People needing more reliable information should refer to appropriate sources presented, on the Internet or elsewhere, by authoritative professional or academic bodies.

To get in touch with the webmaster, send an e-mail to g_sandi at

Flags on this site are from the FOTW Flags Of The World website.

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